
Teletalk Minute Bundle Pack List 2023 (New & Reasonable Price)! today we share about Teletalk Minute Bundle Pack 2023! Teletalk always tries to provide the best opportunity, the Teletalk recently run a minute bundle pack customers can be talking very lowest cost.

See: Teletalk Internet Offer – List of All Internet Pack Of Teletalk

Teletalk small minute bundle pack 12 minute @ Tk12 with validity 3 days, the minute pack can use the only Teletalk to Teletalk.


Medium minute bundle pack 50 minutes @ Tk 50 with validity 5 days, the minute pack can use the only Teletalk to Teletalk and other operators.

High minute bundle pack 150minutes and 100 SMS @ Tk101 with the validity of 10 days, the minute pack will use the Teletalk to Teletalk and other operators.

Teletalk Minute Bundle Pack List 2023 Exclusive Updated, Recommended to Buy

Teletalk very recent update on a minutes package, new minutes package is Taka.86 for 143 voice minute talk-time, validity is 7 days. to activate Teletalk 150 Min@Tk.86 dial *111*86# or SMS “M86” send it 111.

BDT.287 for 477 minutes duration is 30 days, to activate Teletalk 500 minutes offer dial *111*287# or SMS “M287” send 111.

Both Teletalk minute bundle packages can use any local number.

Teletalk Jumbo Combo Package, 380 Minutes +100 SMS+1.5GB internet offer at Tk.299 the combo bundle package offer validity is 30 days.

To activate just dial *111*299#

Tk.86143 Minutes7 DAYS*111*86#
Tk.101168 Min+97 SMS10 DAYS*111*1010#
Tk.287477 Minutes30 DAYS*111*287#
Tk.299380 Min+100 SMS+1.5GB30 DAYS*111*299#

Also: Teletalk SMS Bundle Pack 2023 (All SMS Pack)

Teletalk Minute Bundle Pack List 2023 Details: (Smile 10, Smile 50, Smile 100)

Tk.1012min+15 SMS+50MB3 DAYS*111*101#
TK.5055min+50 SMS+1GB7 DAYS*111*102#
TK. 101150min+120 SMS+1GB30 DAYS *111*103#

10 Tk Minute Bundle Pack (Small)

  • To activate 12mins + 12 SMS and 50MB@ Tk 10 you need to dial *111*101# or recharge exactly Tk13.
  • This minute pack can use the only Teletalk to any
  • Validity the minute pack 3 days, usage time 24 hours.
  • To check minute simply dial, *152# or type ‘U‘ send it to 111.

50 Tk Minute Bundle Pack (Medium)

  • To activate 55mins + 50 SMS and 1GB @ Tk 50 you need to dial *111*102#
  • The pack can use minutes Teletalk to any.
  • Validity the minute pack 7 days, usage time 24hr.
  • To check minute simply dial, *152# or type ‘U‘ send it to 111.

Tk.101 Combo Minute Bundle Pack

  • To activate 150 minutes + 100 SMS and 1GB @ Tk 101 you need to dial *111*103# or recharge exact Tk101.
  • The pack can use minutes Teletalk to any.
  • Validity the minute pack 30 days, usage time 24 hours.
  • To check minute simply dial, *152# or type ‘U‘ send it to 111.

Teletalk Minute Bundle Pack List Others Condition

  • All prepaid customers are eligible to avail of this offer.
  • The customer will avail of this offer as many times as s/he wants.
  • A 1-second pulse will be applicable.
  • After expiring the validity packs, the customer can get pleasure from their existing main package tariff.
  • If the customer subscribes to the same bundle pack again within the validity, the most expire time is thought-about.
  • The price is inclusive of SD, VAT & SC.

Thanks for reading this article we hope the post helps you, please SHARE this post and have any questions just comment blew.

Source: Teletalk

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  1. Is the minute bundle offer is available for Barnamala sim? I am a Barnamala sim user but trying to get the minute bundle. a message is showing back that ‘wrong input ‘.
    pls need ur to advise.

  2. সবার আগে ৪ জি নেট দেয়ার কথা, বিশেষ করে সকল জেলা শহর তারপর সমগ্র দেশে। অথচ নাটোর জেলা শহরে (সদর) ৪ জি পাওয়া যায়না। এমন সেবায় কীভাবে আপনাদের উপর আস্থা রাখবো আমরা। জাতিকে আর কতভাবে বঞ্চিত রাখবেন।